Friday, April 27, 2012

Where is all this rain going?

We keep hearing about the lack of water, the drought conditions and the hosepipe bans. But look out of the window and it always seems to be raining. So in the interests of finding out where it is all going we have taken a look at the relevant page of the Environment Agency Website, here. Helpfully, the Environment Agency writes weekly reports on the water situation in the UK, and the latest one suggests that we really only have a localised problem. To quote: "Reservoir stocks have increased by up to 5% or stayed the same as last week at the majority of our reported reservoirs and reservoir groups. Stocks are now normal or higher for the time of year at nearly two thirds of sites, with four still exceptionally low for the time of year, down from five last week." Rattle through to page 10 of this report and we can see that the problem areas are in the South East and in the Midlands. So look on the bright side: this rain is having a beneficial effect, and our children may yet be able to enjoy paddling pools this summer.

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